Ariel DeGennaro
Sale Website
Built for a start-up company
Sale Website
Built for a start-up company with Wordpress
Tattoo Website
Built for a class
Resume(page) Resume(PDF) LinkedIn

This website was built for an e-commerce class while attending Stevenson University. It was built in Sharepoint Designer while the links were done in Dreamweaver.
The second sale website is a wordpress site for a future company.
That tattoo website posted above I created for a multimedia web class (Spring 2011).
The resume page I created for an e-commerce class (Fall 2011).

I graduated from Stevenson University, in Owings Mills, MD in May 2014.  I pursued a double major -  Bachelors in Computer Information Systems-Software, and Bachelors in Business Information Systems-E-Commerce, plus a minor in art, and graduated with honors.

I enjoy web design, programming, photography, traveling, and Isshinryu karate
I have recently taken a class studying how users interact with websites, and which elements are most user friendly, i.e. what they notice first, what they will ignore, what will bring users back to the site, and recommend it to others.